Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Credit Card Tips & Suggestions

By Mindy Osborne
Restaurants & Fraud

One of the most rampant new ways of stealing someones credit card number and information could happen to you at any restaurant. Waiters and Waitresses are now using digital cameras or phone cameras to take pictures of your credit card when you hand it to them to pay for your dinner. The easiest way for them to do this is to slip the card into their pocket and take the picture while walking back to charge your card We suggest if you pay with a card watch your waiter or waitress closely. Make sure he or she does not enter the bathroom or leave your sight while holding your card This is a good way to avoid credit card information theft!

Check Your Credit

One of the main criteria the credit card companies look at when processing your applications is your credit score. It's important to apply for a credit card that is designed for someone in your credit score range. We always suggest getting a free credit report. Once you know your credit score it makes it that much easier to select a card offer you will get approved for instantly.

Use Your Credit Card Wisely

A lot of Americans are in debt because they do not know how to use a credit card The most credit cards one should own is two unless you absolutely need more. I suggest choosing low interest rate card. Low interest credit cards are the best type of credit cards to choose in the American economy right now.

Check Out Secured Credit Card Information Here.

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